Checklist Dimensions
This tool is divided into four sections to represent the teachings of the medicine wheel. Not all First Nations in Canada use the medicine wheel, but most communities do embrace the holistic approach to wellness that incorporates the physical, spiritual, social / emotional, and mental dimensions. Different nations also interpret the medicine wheel teachings in different ways. Talk to Elders and community members in your local area to learn more.
This dimension of the medicine wheel encourages people to be knowledgeable, to learn, to figure things out, and to reason. As Mental beings we are developing out abilities to learn and acquire knowledge that supports the development of our world view. We strive to find a balanced connection between traditional and western knowledge, systems, and processes. Through activities that support our languages and culture, we grow in our understanding of the value of multiple perspectives and world views.
This dimension of the medicine wheel encourages people to explore the notion of the interconnectedness of all living things and one´s connection to culture, community, and Creator. As Spiritual beings we are developing our abilities to vision and see veyond our immediate, physical world. We strive to widen our roles in something grater than ourselves. Through ceremony, stories we connect with our teachings and grow in our understanding that we all play a part in a interconnected universe.
This dimension of the medicine wheel encourages people to take time to explore the self and one´s relationship with others. As Emotional beings we are developing our abilities to figure out who we are, and how we connect to others. We strive to find a balanced connection between heart and head and to understand the roles we play as part of our family, community, nation, and our fit within a global context. Through traditions and ceremony, we grow in our confidence and understanding of our identity and place.
This dimension of the medicine wheel encourages people to take action and to be physically fit and active. As Physical beings we are developing our abilities to understand our connection to the land and time. We strive to find a balanced connection between the knowledge and traditions of the past, and the evolution of mankind with Mother Earth. Through interaction with Elders and Knowledge Keepers and opportunitiesto actively participate in activities, we reinforce the importance of land and place to our people and communities.